Steroids in Crossfit – Rebuttal!

Posted: February 16, 2014 in Uncategorized

i say, who cares if they do. As long as I am not. Interesting debate though.

Adventure Dreamers

Here is my first fitness-related post for our blog. It comes after reading an article linked by a top fitness journal I follow, called the ‘The Personal Trainer Development Center’. In ‘The Top Fitness Articles of the Week’, Feb 10, 2014, they linked a post called ‘Steroids, Crossfit and The Crossfit Games: Who & How.’

This article particularly got on my nerves as I am constantly dealing with people who talk behind my back and accuse me of being on performance enhancing drugs (PED’s) – something which I have never taken and never will. I am actually vehemently opposed to them but that’s a separate story.

In the article, they name and shame well-known Crossfit champions as being on steroids, without a single shred of actual evidence. I felt this blatant defamation was wrong and you can read my full response to their article here:!Rebuttal-to-Steroids-Crossfit-and-The-Crossfit-Games-Who-How/cxo2/B907F10C-ACD3-4196-ABF5-9798199504B7

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