Archive for the ‘Strength Training Logs’ Category

Hello All,

High Bar Paused Squat:
90 x 3 x 3
120 x 3 x 3
150 x 3 x 3

45 x 5
75 x 5
85 x 5
100 x 1
107.5 x 1
115 x 1

Speed/Technique Deadlift:
115 x 3 x 4: with red short bands
135 x 2 x 4: With green short bands

THis workout was alright. High bar squat still needs some work. I have a slight butt wink. But so far it has not affect my lower back at all.

Hello All,

High Bar Squat: Depends on how I feel. I am still feeling a little sick. So if anything I will do technique work.
95 x 8
115 x 8 x 5

45 x 5 x 2
75 x 5 x 2
95 x 5 x 5

135 x 3 x 8

Hello All,

High Bar Squat: Thought I squatted 172.5 after the 3rd work set. So I decided to do 2 more. Thankfully I did not go heavier. This was tough. Thursday will be a day to work on Technique. Something like 5 sets of a light 10. or 10 sets of 3 at a slightly heavier weight.
85 x 5
110 x 5
135 x 5
162.5 x 5 x 5
115 x 8

Bench: This was somewhat difficult. Next time it will be higher rep work. Something like sets of 10.
45 x 10
75 x 5
95 x 5
115 x 5
132.5 x 5 x 5
85 x 8

Deadlift: Just focused on technique and form. Thursday will be heavier day. Going for 250 x 5 x 2.
135 x 5
185 x 5
252.5 x 5
252.5 x 1 x 5

Tomorrow is Calisthenics Day. HELL YEAH!

...arron sleeman...

I’m a MASSIVE lover when it comes to strength training. When I was first introduced to the gym I had ABSOLUTELY no knowledge about training, health and fitness, nutrition, strength training etc, in fact I had as much knowledge as a plank of wood. As the years have gone, I have somewhat developed an average level of understanding. Through this, this has lead me to realised that any great program must be focused around the four main lifts (squat, deadlift, overhead press & bench press) regardless of whether you’re a bodybuilder or an athlete or someone just wanting to get into shape.

What is strength training? Strength training is by far one of the oldest disciplines. Strength training is exercising with the goal of improving your physical strength. There are two types of strength training; relative strength and absolute strength.

  • Relative strength: Relative strength is building maximal strength while controlling…

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Hello All,

High Bar Squat: I felt like I was rounding my lower back. It is an every so slight buttwink. However, I never have a sore back or feel any discomfort in my back while squatting. I will keep my eye on it.
75 x 5 x 2
135 x 5
157 x 5
185 x 5 x 3 (PR) It did not look pretty at all. Next week will be technique work.
135 x 1 (I had to check something)

Bench Press: Holy crap, I need to bench press more often. Lol. terrible. 145 …. I use to do sets of 3 with 170. Anyway, I will get there again.
45 x 10
75 x 5
95 x 5
125 x 5
145 x 5 x 3 (145 x 3 x 6 last time)

Deadlift: Tummy was starting to hurt, I guess I got hungry. Ate a small bowl of cereal. Waited 10 minutes, then did my deadlifts.
135 x 5
185 x 5
245 x 5  (240 last time)
245 x 1 x 5 (with about 30-60 seconds rest between each set. easy.)

This is subject to change. Also this is NOT for a 5 rep max set on any of these lifts.

High Bar Squat: Cut this short because I felt fatigued and I did not get enough sleep.
60% of goal weight: 111 x 5
70% of goal weight: 130 x 5
80% of goal weight: 145 x 5
90% of goal weight: 167 x 5

High Bar Pause Squat: I did not feel all too well. So I decided to pass on the 3 sets of 5 and work on technique. I will hit the 3×5 next time.

135 x 3 x 6

45 x 5 x 2
75 x 5
90 x 5
Goal Weight: 100 x 5 x 2 – This was a struggle. I tried to do this, but not the squat. I don’t mind missing a press when I feel tired. But not with squats. Either way, i still cut it short. I might take a few days extra to rest next week.

Deadlift: Technique work.
~55% of current deadlift (240):
5 sets of 3 @ 135. jeez, even this felt heavy…. horrible workout.

This is subject to change. Also this is NOT for a 5 rep max set on any of these lifts.

High Bar Squat:
60% of goal weight: 111 x 5; easy
70% of goal weight: 130 x 5; easy
80% of goal weight: 145 x 5 ; moderate
90% of goal weight: 167 x 5; work set
Goal Weight: 185 x 5 x 3; work sets

60% of goal weight: 60 x 5
70% of goal weight: 70 x 5
80% of goal weight: 80 x 5
90% of goal weight: 90 x 5
Goal Weight: 100 x 5 x 3

~55% of goal weight: 140 x 5
~75% of goal weight: 190 x 5
Goal Weight: 245 x 5 x 2

High Bar Squat:

Pre Warm Up Sets:
2 sets of body weight squats: 10 reps total about

Warm Up Sets
60% of goal weight: 108 x 5
70% of goal weight: 126 x 5
80% of goal weight: 144 x 5

Work Sets
90% of goal weight: 162 x 5
Goal Weight: 180 x 5 x 3; at first I thought I wasn’t going to have energy to do the 3 sets of 5. but i was able to get it. I do not like warming up with sets of less than 5. Maybe when the weight gets heavier, I will have a change of heart. But right now, I feel it puts me in a groove.

Bench Press:

Pre Warm Up:
45 x 5 x 2

Warm Up Sets:
95 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 5

Work Sets:
145 x 3 x 6; this felt good. I have not benched in weeks. HOWEVER, I am now benching .82x my body weight @175, versus .80x my bodyweight @ 200. 🙂


135 x 5; warm up
185 x 5; warm up
240 x 5 x 2; work sets @ about 90% of my max. This felt good. I was humble with regard to the weight, because lately I felt my form was crap.

In regards to bodyweight/weight lifted ratio. It has gone down for the deadlift. Not by that much. Use to be able to DL about 1.4x my bodyweight. Now its 1.37x my bodyweight. This is for sets of 5 with no belt. So its essentially the same. Today felt really good for everything. Today was an A in terms of the workout grade.

High Bar Squat:
100 x 5
125 x 5
145 x 3, 2
180 x 5 x 3

Press: I MIGHT decide to bench press. Depends on how I feel. if i do it will be 5×5 bench.
45 x 8 x 2
70 x 8 x 5

135 x 5,3
225 x 3 x 6

Thoughts: I am thinking about doing more barbell training on a separate day. I might have a day where all I do is Press and direct arm work. Right now my schedule is just too dumb to have a strict training schedule. I will write something up in a few.

Deadlift form felt a little funny. I am going to have to start recording myself. But I don’t have a good camera. My squat is coming along. Still feel like I am doing well for an average joe.

High Bar Pause Squat: This felt good. Very different feel from normal squat.
95 x 3 x 3
115 x 3 x 3
135 x 1 x 3
95 x 8 total regular reps. Just to get in some extra practice with no pause at the bottom.

Press: This was great!
45 x 5 x 2 WU
65 x 3 WU
80 x 3 WU
95 x 2 WU
115 x 1 x 5

Stiff Leg Deadlift:
135 x 8 x 2
155 x 8 x 2

Deadlift: Just got in some good reps. I was a little finished after the SLDL and the heavy presses.
185 x 5
185 x 3
185x 5
185 x 3